Niamatullah Barakzai
Niamatullah BarakzaiPresident


Mr. Barakzai is Partner and President of the Firm. He is a member of the Afghanistan Independent Bar Association and has been practicing law for more than a decade. He carries international experience and has been providing expert legal advice to clients in private and public sectors in Afghanistan.

Mr.   Barakzai’s   areas   of   expertise   include   telecommunications,   banking   and   finance,   aviation, construction, licensing and regulatory affairs, NGOs and IGOs, corporate restructuring, contract law and obligations, employment and services, property law and taxation. Mr. Barakzai is also acting as co- founder and member of the Board of Directors of New York University in Afghanistan advising it on implementation of a USAID-funded project in Afghanistan. He has also worked as President and Resident Partner at the Kabul offices of other well-known foreign law firms from 2009 to 2014 having provided expert legal advisory to a range of clients..

Mr. Barakzai recently co-authored the Afghanistan chapter on the aviation regime of Afghanistan for a global legal journal, Getting the Deal Through – Air Transport 2014 and 2015. He has also been contributing as country expert from Afghanistan to World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index and the Verities of Democracy Project run by the University of Gothenburg. Mr. Barakzai holds LLB and LLM from International Islamic University Islamabad.
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